
“This game actually makes me flash back and think about the war and the aftermath....But that’s not necessarily bad. Being that I will be going back to Iraq for a 3RD tour, I'll say that it's much better fighting from my PC behind a desk then actually slinging lead at each other.” - SGT from HHC 1/64 Armor, 3rd Infantry Division(M)

Download and play accurate re-creations of real war news events weeks after they occur!!

A newcomer in the web-based reality-gaming genre. "Kuma Reality Games builds re-creations of real-world events using advanced gaming tools. Kuma\War, the first Kuma Reality Game, is a first and third-person tactical squad-based game that provides multiple updates monthly to the consumer's computer to reflect unfolding events in the real world. Each month Kuma\War subscribers will receive playable missions, video news shows, extensive intelligence gathered from news sources around the world, and insight from a decorated team of military veterans."


Over 20 playable missions, including:

Mission 15 - Mosul - The al Qaeda Connection
In the days following Saddam Hussein’s capture, you are a soldier from the 101st Airborne on a cordon and knock operation in Mosul, Iraq. Looking to flush out enemies you assume are incensed Iraqis loyal to the former dictator, you soon find it’s also foreign fighters who are swarming the war-torn nation and intentionally perpetuating chaos. One vicious terrorist group with ties to al Qaeda - Ansar al-Islam - is hiding out in Mosul. Here is where you’ll encounter them ready for combat.[Mission Details]

Mission 16 - Battle in Sadr City
Soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division fight Mahdi Army militiamen – loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr - in the tight, dirty streets of Baghdad’s Sadr City. It is May 23rd, in the Baghdad slum known as Sadr City. The temperature ranges to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Over a 24 hour period, US soldiers encounter and engage several small groups of anti-coalition fighters resulting in 20-30 enemy killed with no Coalition casualties.

Mission 9 - Fallujah Abizaid Attack
General John P. Abizaid, commander of all US Forces in the Middle East, is visiting an Iraqi Civil Defense Post in Fallujah when his convoy is ambushed. Insurgents attack from adjacent rooftops and a nearby mosque, using RPGs and small arms fire. Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne and the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps take the offensive and go out into the streets to combat the General’s assailants


And the latest release:

JOHN KERRY and the men of SWIFT BOAT PCF-94, an amazing re-creation of the actions in 1969 that earned Kerry the Navy's second highest honor. Re-create the events for yourself! Built using advanced game tools, this simulation puts you in Kerry's boots, in command of a Swift Boat on the Mekong Delta in 1969. Includes broadband video news show, real-world intel, satellite images and the background you need to understand a key issue in this year's presidential election.


Game Company Launches War on Terror: Kuma Reality Games Announces Release of Kuma\War: The War on Terror at Retail This Fall

New York (Sept. 15, 2004) - Kuma Reality Games, the company that blends news coverage with interactive game technology to allow players to experience re-creations of real military events from the war, today announced that Kuma\War: The War On Terror will be available at retail outlets nationwide in October.

Kuma\War: The War On Terror is a compilation of some of the most critical battles fought in Iraq and Afghanistan since the beginning of the war, as released on the Kuma\War online service. The CD-based retail product contains 15 playable missions featuring military hotspots around the world including Mosul, Fallujah and Sadr City and including units from the 10th Mountain Division, 101st Airborne and the U.S. Marine Corps as they take on well-armed insurgents, al Qaeda, Taliban fighters, and terrorists throughout the world.